Sunday, January 15, 2012

Remember when...

Growing up happens in a heartbeat. 

One day you're in diapers; the next day you're gone. 

But the memories of childhood stay with you for the long haul. 

~Kevin Arnold

How very true.

It seemed just yesterday when I...

Trudged away to school in my smart little grey uniform;

Played in the mud ground under the sun;

Built sand castles at the beach;

Rowed paper boats in dirty water puddles;

Blew soap bubbles, coz I simply loved to ;

Oh those days!

When happiness was a natural state of mind and everything seemed so perfect;

When shooting stars, rainbows and butterflies filled in me a sense of awe and admiration;

When saying sorry and making up was so easy;

When abc and tables were the only things that mattered

and backpacks were the only burdens;

When sleep was a punishment and bed time was scary

and grandma's tales were the only things that could put me to sleep;

When 'mum' was the word, that meant the world...

How I wish I could go back and live all those awesome days again!...Recollecting those precious days has for sure, brought a big smile on my face and immense joy to my heart. 

So, sit back for a while today and reminisce on those amazing days, they sure will have a story to say. :)