Monday, January 16, 2012

OOPS I did it again..!

I keep making some amazing, amusing mistakes all through my life and just cant stop laughing on them as the days pass. The stupidity and spontaneity of such situations sometimes amazes me so much that I sometimes have to keep checking if I'm actually still sane. But nevertheless, they're amazingly humorous and I'd love to share one or two incidents here.

One of the prime things I've done that has landed me up in superbly uncomfortable situations is that I sometimes, somehow tend to mix up names and faces. This has put me through roller coasters trying to deal with all sorts of emotions from the other side. I'll give you a good incident for this. 

One of the professors at college (who had left college a long time back), had come back for a quick visit. This professor had a strange, and very strong resemblance to a lecturer who taught me in some private tuition classes (and was my favorite) years ago. When I saw this guy, I was taken aback as my mind went back to the old days as I approached him with the same old enthusiasm. The memories of this professor had for long, faded out from my mind, since he had never really taught our batch. I approached him and spoke for a long time about the happenings in college, not giving heed to that eerie feeling in the back of my head telling me that this guy didn't actually remember who I was. I then asked him, how Jane (name changed) was. He surprisingly asked me "Who's Jane?" ...I blurted out without even realizing the complexity of the situation "Your daughter, sir!"..Right then, I felt I'd been stabbed in my face. All the hidden memories of the Real 'professor' sprang out from nowhere. I apologized profusely and escaped. I hope to never see him in my life again. 

Today when I look back at that incident, I realize that sometimes, you need incidents like these to keep laughing at yourself and constantly reminding yourself of how funny life can actually be . Friends still laugh their heads off when they are reminded of that incident.Well, I'm glad I can still look back and have a good laugh at it. :D